Can we handle it?

Can we handle the 10-point basic education agenda of President Aquino? The 10-point agenda is a list of 10 things the government can achieve for education over the next three to six years. I will now present my insights on this particular topic.

There is one goal of this agenda that I am interested in. It is the expansion of the current K-10 education(6 years in elementary and 4 years in high school) to a 12-year basic education cycle; adding 1 year to elementary and another year to high school.

The 12-year basic education curriculum has advantages and also some disadvantages.

First the advantages:

This curriculum will provide more time/years to study therefore students will acquire more knowledge and more experiences to learn from. This will help students harness their full potential and talents as they grow as a person. This will offer better basic education in preparation for tertiary or college education.
These are just some of the advantages that I can give and I believe that these will help a person learn effectively.

There are many contradictions and disagreements to this project and here are some:
There will be added burden to the parents of the students because they will earn more and spend more to support the needs of their children. Added to these expenses are the increasing tuition fees in the private schools. Also, the funding for this project is also crucial. This project will need money to implement but we should also consider other important issues for example the waste problem in our country. The government should also supply books, chairs, classrooms and other school supplies and facilities because there will be more students as they will add two more years of education. The Philippines also has a high rate of drop-outs so it will be hard to achieve or complete two more years of school. 

I think that we are not yet ready to take this project into action. Considering the situation we are in right now, we should not yet implement the K-12 education plan. We should study this case further and think of ways to improve our present education curriculum.

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