Hello blogger.com and internet users! It is my first time to use a blog so I will introduce myself. I am Christian de Guzman. I was born on Dec 4, 1995 and at present 14 years old. I study in Saint Louis University Laboratory High School and currently a junior.

I am an energetic person. I prefer an active and healthy lifestyle to cope up with my daily activities. I also love to play sports especially basketball but I also involve myself in volleyball and jogging/running. I play basketball with my friends during my free time as a past time and an exercise.

As a basketball player, I can compare my life and my role to a point guard. When I put myself in situations where I need to make a decision, I carefully think and weigh my options. After I think, I put it into action and accomplish goals. If I make a bad decision, I learn from it and avoid making the same mistake. I also assist my friends, family or classmates whenever they are in need and hope to improve their situation in a way. 

I love listening to music. It is also one of my pastimes. I love listening to rock, hip hop, acoustic, alternative and other genres. I listen to music because it makes me relax and concentrate. I also play the guitar and sometimes sing when no one is around because I am a little bit shy. I can also express myself or my feelings whether I feel sad, depressed, excited or happy.

I have a lot of friends and I have met most of them in school. I feel comfortable being around my friends because I know that they accept me for who I am. Though I have met a number of friends, I only consider few of them to be my real friends.

On my blog or website, expect to see my different views, opinions or comments about some major or minor topics like sports, music, games, government issues, environmental issues, and other subjects I am interested in. I want to use this blog to inform people on the different issues and see their reactions to these issues. Also, I want to enhance my communicating and socializing skills with friends, and other people on the internet and all over the world. I want to make new friends and share stories and insights with them. As you read my blogs, you will know more about me; about my life, friends, likes and dislike, family, and more information about me. Feel free to leave comments and follow my blog. Thank you for reading. :D

1 Response
  1. NICE BLOG!! :D. I am really interested with your post. :D