I was absent last Saturday, September 18, 2010 when a seminar workshop was conducted. In this blog, I will talk about the topic of that seminar and it is about Human Sexuality and Effects of Premarital Sex. (I was given a brochure about the seminar.)
First Human Sexuality, many teenagers and people think that it is merely the act of having intercourse for pleasure. This is not the true meaning of Human Sexuality but it is the way boys act because they are male and the way girls act because they are females. Human Sexuality is how we express who we really are as human beings of different sexes.
The main topic of the seminar was Premarital sex. There are reason, excuses, and effects of premarital sex. The reasons why teenagers engage in premarital sex are:
1. The need for INTIMACY-some teenagers need love because their parents have abused and rejected them. They receive intimacy usually from their boyfriend or girlfriend.
2. Curiosity-this force makes teenagers experiment and experience something for pleasure. It should not be done by curiosity because there is always the right time for something.
3. Rebellion-rebellious teens come from families who do not respect or love each other.
4. As a way to cope with STRESS-teenagers do irresponsible behavior to cope up with stress but with harmful costs.
The reasons of having premarital sex are inappropriate because we can solve these problems in many ways. Also, having Premarital Sex have serious consequences like:
- Decreases trust between couples.
- Leads to more negative habits.
- Tends to break up couples.
- Increases the chances of associating sec with guilt, fear and shame.
- Leads to comparison with former sex partners.
- May fool a person into marrying the wrong person.
- May lead to teenage pregnancy.
In addition, premarital sex could also shape our emotional health and social growth. In our emotional health, we could distrust other, difficulty maintaining a relationship and we could develop self-hatred or even jealousy. In our social growth, we would have a bad reputation.
These bad effects could be evaded by saying no to premarital sex, avoid bad influences from bad peers, and we should associate ourselves with friends who will support a healthy behavior and stick to our own decision to change. By saying no to premarital sex, we would develop maturity, self-confidence, self-esteem, integrity and pursue our life goals.
As young teenagers and children of God, we should learn how to control our very strong emotions. When we make decisions, we should think clearly and do the right thing and if we do the wrong thing, we should know our consequences. Rushing things leads to the damage of emotion and social life. We should not rush because there is always the right time to experience or do something. If we wait for our time to come to do or experience an act, we would be happy and be contented.
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